iskemik stroke and stroke hemorragik
Stroke iskemik namely stepped up blood vessel that caused the flow of blood to the brain in part or whole to stop. 80% of stroke is a stroke Iskemik. Stroke iskemik is divided into 3 types, namely:
- Stroke Trombotik: the process of making terbentuknya thrombus conglomeration.
- Stroke Embolik: stepped up vessel by arterial blood clot.
- Hipoperfusion systemic: the reduced flow of blood through the body, because of interference heartbeat.
Stroke hemoragik stroke is caused by the outbreak brain blood vessel. Almost 70% of cases of stroke occurred on patients hemoragik hypertension.
Stroke hemoragik have type 2, namely:
- Hemoragik Intraserebral: bleeding that occurs in the brain network.
- Hemoragik Subaraknoid: bleeding occurred in the space subaraknoid (narrow space between the surface layer of the brain and a network that covers the brain)
Symptoms, causes, effects and Stroke
Serebrovaskuler diseases including stroke (brain blood vessel), which marked the death of the brain network (infark serebral) happens because the reduced flow of blood and oxygen to the brain. Reduced blood flow and oxygen may be due to the sumbatan, or constriction of blood vessel outbreak.
WHO defines stroke is that the symptoms deficit nervous function caused by brain blood vessel disease and not by the other's.Stroke is divided into two types, namely: iskemik stroke and hemorragik stroke.
Recognize Symptoms of Stroke
Efforts to identify signs or symptoms of stroke is very important to ensure patients get treatment more quickly and precisely, at the same time avoid the fatality.
Here are some symptoms of stroke:
1. Stroke while (Recover in a few minutes / hours):
- Suddenly headache.
- Pusing, confused.
- Blurred vision or loss of sharpness. This can happen in one or two eyes.
- Lost balance (dock), weak.
- Pain or immune to sleep on the one hand the body.
- Some or all of the above symptoms.
- Weakness or paralysis hands / feet.
- Talk is not clear.
- All / some of the symptoms of stroke and mild.
- Short-term coma (loss of consciousness).
- Weakness or paralysis hands / feet.
- Talk is not clear or loss of ability to speak.
- Difficult to swallow.
- Loss of control of expenditure and urine feses.
- Amnesia or concentration, changes in behavior, such as the talk does not stabilized, easy to anger, behavior such as a small child.
Was menjamurnya food that contains fat and lifestyle changes some urban communities, the impact of disease as a disease of lifestyle changes that will appear more and more. One such disease is Hypertension or High Blood Pressure.
Perhaps many of us are less know what is meant by Hypertension, a line of Hypertension can be defined as a disease that emerged in the general community, which is an increase from the persisten artery blood pressure, the pressure diastolik above 95 mmHg. Normal blood pressure is usually pressure sistolik not exceed 140 mmHg and diastolik not exceed 90 mmHg. However benchmarks blood pressure is normal individual nature.
Some 90% of cases the cause is not known. But can also result secondary heart disease / kidney, diabetes, or tumors of the adrenal gland, drugs and pregnancy.
Risk factors
Smoking / drinking alcohol, eating patterns more salt and fat, lack of exercise, obesity, and stress.
Symptoms and Alerts
There are usually no symptoms until complications arise.
Heart failure
Kidney damage.
After 30 years of age, blood pressure check every year.
Do not smoke / drink alcohol
Less weight when excessive
Do aerobic exercise
Learn ways to control stress.
Management of hypertension sufferer is:
Without drug treatment, among others: a diet low in salt / cholesterol / saturated fat, quieting emotional stress, stop smoking / alcohol, and physical exercise and regular light.
Antihipertensi drugs. There are many types of drugs antihipertensi outstanding at this time. For the selection of appropriate drugs are expected to contact a doctor.
With treatment and control regularly, and avoid the occurrence of hypertension risk factors, the death rate due to this disease can be pressed.
How to? Unnerve ... not ... actually easy Hypertension was prevented (except that the genetic type), unfortunately, prevention efforts are always several of ourselves ...;)
Normal bone was formed by a protein called collagen and the mineral calcium. Osteoporosis caused the vacuum deposit collagen and calcium in the bones. So that the process of the formation of a layer of bone does not take place while the depletion rate.
In normal bone formation process always happens and the depletion bone continuously. This aims to maintain bone mass that is not too heavy so as not to disrupt the process of movement. As I mentioned above, on osteoporosis, the process of formation does not occur while the depletion takes place continuously.
Thin bones that will be very weak and easily broken with the impact that even light. In normal bone, impact this will not lead to what is, while on osteoporosis causes a severe fracture. Almost all the bones have this included rib, pelvis and wrist.
Although osteoporosis can attack the men and women, but most people with osteoporosis are women who have been off. It is believed that the hormone estrogen is a material that is very important in maintaining bone mass. Now, in the women off, the production of this hormone are reduced so that the speed reduction in the occurrence of bone mass. Without effective prevention, a woman can lose 20 - 30% mass tulangnya in 10 years to enter the first period off. The process of osteoporosis can progress in a quiet and silent in a long time. Not a few women who ignore this because they really do not feel any, symptoms until the occurrence of fracture caused by a mild trauma.
According to research in the United States, more than 20 million people suffer from osteoporosis, and 1.3 million of them experienced symptoms of broken bones. How to Indonesia? Until this second I have not found enough data.
The main objective treatment to prevent osteoporosis is a fracture with the bone mass to stop the reduction and increase bone mass and strength.
Osteoporosis prevention and treatment among the dietary food, stop bad habits such as smoking and alcohol consumption, exercise regularly, consume enough calcium and vitamin D, hormone replacement therapy with estrogen in the women off drugs and medicines such as aledronate, etidronate or kalsitonin. Medicinal drugs, which I mentioned last will reduce the dilution of bones.
Dismenore (Nyeri Haid)
Dismenore secondary and found more rarely occurs in 25% of women who experienced dismenore. Causes of secondary dismenore are: endometriosis, fibroid, adenomiosis, inflammation falopii tuba, perlengketan rocker between organs in the abdomen, and the use of IUD.
Risk factors
Dismenore primary usually arise in adolescence, which is about 2-3 years after the first menstruation. Meanwhile, the secondary often dismenore nascent at the age of 20 years. Other factors that can aggravate dismenore is:
a-womb to the back (retroversi)
-less exercise
stress-psychological or social stress.
Symptoms and Alerts
Pain in the lower abdomen, which can creep into the bottom of the spine and leg. Pain is felt cramps as a missing-relief or as a dull pain that continue to exist.
Usually when the pain began to arise before or during menstruation, reached its peak in 24 hours and after 2 days will disappear. Dismenore also often accompanied by headache, nausea, constipation or diarrhea and often berkemih. Sometimes vomiting to occur.
If not three, most cancer causing death; cancer is one of the main causes of death in developing countries. Most cancers can be treated and cured, especially if treatment starts since the beginning. Many forms of cancer associated with environmental factors that can be avoided. Smoking tobacco can cause cancer of the many other environmental factors.
Tumors (Latin; swelling) pointed mass network that is not normal, but can be "vicious" (cancerous) or benign (not cancerous). Only the malignant tumors able to attack other networks or bermetastasis
Emotional challenges in breast cancer sufferer
"According to pendapatku, cancer have a more severe impact on the emotional and relationship education, emotional weight than any other disease," said Katherine Puckett, LCSW, national director of the Mind-Body Medicine, the Center for Cancer Medicine in Chicago, United States.
Next Puckett added that the uncertainties of the disease itself is intensifying the impact. "Excessive knowledge about breast cancer will further increase emosionalitaspenderita related to the relationship with other people This is an emergency increase and change everything in their lives," said Puckett.
But the change itself should not be negative. For some women, breast cancer can be triggered to change the relationship first becomes normal ties more closely and depth, creating a husband and wife become increasingly close, so family members make each other close ties with the increasingly strong.
For other women the impact can be negative. Make it feel lonely and isolated, feel that the people near the place he feels far more lean.
This role in how breast cancer is the emotional impact on the willingness to share feelings with other people, a matter which is not always easy for a woman who mederita breast cancer.
Women have a role as a nursery nurse and others. Aoleh it is very heavy to release the nose and then changed into the people who need to be served or observed. For many women, to change themselves into people who need treatment and care for others, is very heavy because he does not want to actually considered to be weak and not able to manage themselves.
Breast cancer patients need to realize that the willingness to share feelings and ask for help is actually a force that can strengthen the relationship with other people. Said Mauricio Murillo, MD, a psychiatrist and director of Supportive Oncology Service at the University of New York ..
TIPS Simple ease migraine ILLNESS
The causes of migraine is not known exactly. However, medical records shows that migraine can be witnessed by all ages. Women more migraine often affected than men. And, half the cases of migraine have family history of migraine.
Michigan usually attack in the morning. In the hours is the productive hours we work. Of migraine is disrupted productivity. Not only because of soreness that make it very strong I can not work properly, people usually experience emotional disturbances. For instance, become nervous, easy to anger, depression. Therefore step best to handle the suffering caused by migraine is consulted with the doctor and get the right drugs. However, there remain some simple tips to ease the pain migraine.
1. Take a break. Migraine sufferer usually sensitive to light. Therefore, to ease this pain, people are advised to rest in place the dark and quiet. Distracts resources, and luminous place bright. More calm themselves with the best and try to sleep.
2. compress the head with the ice / cold water. Try to rid soreness by compress the pain with ice or cold water. Freezing can help constrict blood vessels.
3. Avoid sources of the causes of migraine.
There are some oxygen yanng can trigger migraine, such as caffein, alcohol. If migraine caused by allergy, avoid allergy resources, eg, chocolate, milk, cheese, and monosodium Glutamic (MSG) in vetsin. Reduce drinking coffee or tea. Sometimes a little cafein / coffee can ease migraine. However, more from a cup of coffee will increase the pain migraine. In addition, also avoid Cologne and odor-bauan the sting because migraine can be intensifying.
4. warm the neck.
Give a sense of relaxing in the neck. Neck is usually part of the body that sustain the weight of the work. Fatigue in the neck can trigger pain head. When resting, try your neck warm. Or, give a little gentle massage.
5. Drinking drugs to improve the hospital.
There are many pain drugs pereda form of painkillers and antipiretik. Aspirin usually a choice of many people. However, do not drink Random drug. The best medicine is recommended by your doctor.
Michigan and Brain Damage
Do not assume the symptoms of headache puny next to or called the common migraine. When someone felt the symptoms of this person is also possible to suffer some brain damage. This was concluded by the health experts at the University of Rocherster, New York, United States, which is working with a team from the Danish pharmaceutical industry, Novo Nordisk.
As the researchers presented in the journal Nature Neuroscience last week, brain damage in people with migraine occurs because brain cells and fill a 'hungry' will be oxygen. These findings may also help explain why people with migraine have a higher risk for the stroke, researchers said Sunday (29 / 4). In fact, the researchers said, brain damage caused migraine equivalent of brain damage due to brain concussion and conditions post stroke.
Based on the results of such research, health experts concluded that the headaches the sufferer can not simply consume remover pain to migraine. However, they should take medicine that can prevent migraine relapse. Symptoms of migraine is often preceded by the 'aura', namely a series of views of the form of interference kilatan light or black spots.
To help reduce brain damage, the oxygen is believed to help people avoid it, said Takahiro Takano, Maiken Nedergaard, and their colleagues at the University of Rocherster in New York. They stated, the migraine sufferer and a number of headaches sometimes patients treated with high oxygen. This is done to help patients cells the brain experienced swelling and the 'hungry' oxygen.
In the study, the researchers observe a process called cortical spreading depression (CSD). Simple explanation of the CSD is a wave of changes that occur in cells and the brain associated with migraine, stroke and head trauma. To determine the wave changes the brain cells they examined the mouse brain by using a live two-photon microscopic and oxygen sensor mikroelectroda.
The result, they see the occurrence of swelling on the brain cells that lack of oxygen. Then, the cells damaged nervous, especially in the dendrites with the network of thin and long that extends from one cell to cell nervous nervous other.
''This study may have direct clinical impact as well as some previous research that supports the opinion that cortical spreading depression (CDS) is a nervous base associated with migraine and 'aura'. And, spontaneous waves of CSD may contribute to the occurrence of the injury, stroke and Traumatic brain injuries,''the researchers write.
28 million people
Michigan is not the disease that can be considered inconsequential. The disease attacks the nervous in the head that causes severe headaches that make people so weak. In the United States alone, the disease attacked around 28 million population there.
The disease is also closely related to other diseases. Based on two previous studies - including one study that broadcast last week in the Archives of Internal Medicine, showed that people who suffer headaches may be the better for the heart disease. In addition, a study in 2004 that is written in the British Journal concluded that migraine sufferer two times more likely to experience a stroke compared with people who do not suffer the headaches.
Another interesting conclusion is that sex has had a significant influence on this disease. Mentioned, women were more likely to head the pain is. However, not explained why it could happen.
To overcome the pain in the head, the medicines consumed often do not have a meaningful impact for the migraine sufferer. However, consumption some type of drugs called triptans - also known as serotonin agonists, and ergotamine drugs - can be used to prevent the worst impacts. Specifically, if the patient suffers symptoms headache for the first time.
Giving the mice rich doses of Oxygen seemed to shorten the duration of the wave of Brain effects seen in CSD, the researchers said. They noted that Migraine and cluster and the patients are treated with proton high-pressure Oxygen. From the results of research using rats, also known that provide oxygen with large doses can shorten the duration of the effects on brain waves. This is seen from the results of the CSD study, the researchers said.
About the permanent or not, this disease, the researchers can not yet be sure. However, some research has shown that the impact is due to the headaches that are permanent. Conclusion other, there is no difference or influence in the memories and other cognitive impact on the migraine patients. n ant
- Damage to the brain in people with migraine occurs because the cells into the brain and belly 'hungry' will be oxygen.
- Damage to the brain caused by migraine equivalent of brain damage due to brain concussion and conditions post stroke.
- Symptoms of migraine is often preceded by the 'aura', namely a series of views of the form of interference kilatan light or black spots.
Cough is one of the complaints that are often disclosed to the patient's doctor. Cough is actually a way that's important for our bodies to clean the throat and respiratory tract us. However, excessive coughing may mean that we have a disturbance or disease.
A dry cough, sometimes productive. Productive cough is a cough that cause sputum. Sputum also called sputum or reak.
Can be acute cough or chronicles.
- vulnerable acute usually arise unexpectedly. Often caused by colds, influenza, or infection sine (Sinusitis). Acute cough usually disappear after 2 to 3 weeks.
- vulnerable chronicles usually lasts more than 2 to 3 weeks.
General Causes
Besides infection of the respiratory tract (ISPA), such as influenza, which causes coughing up most often is:
- Allergy and asthma
- lung infection such as pneumonia or acute bronchitis.
- disease lungs obstruktif chronicles (PPOK) or bronchitis chronicles, ephysema
- Sinusitis that cause postnasal drip.
- bronkiektasis Diseases such as tuberculosis, tumors lungs.
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (Gerd) this means liquids throat to the stomach back, people like sour or bitter hiccup.
- Smoking
- exposed to cigarette smoke (passive smoker)
- exposed to air pollutant
- medicine for high blood ACE Enzyme inhibitor class.
Care Home
Some tips to reduce cough:
- Candy candy or cough medicine can help in the spicy dry cough and titillate. Can not be given to children aged under 3 years because it can choke the breath clog roads.
- inhale steam to help warm, dry cough with a way to increase the humidity in the air.
- Drink more fluids can dilute phlegm in the throat so easily dibatukkan out.
Some cough medicines that can be bought without a prescription, among others, which contains:
- Guaifenesin (Cohistan Expectorant, Probat, Bisolvon Extra, Actifed Expectorant, etc.). Must remember is that if you drink medicines containing Guaifenesin is the need to drink more water.
- Dekongestan such as pseudoephedrine (Actifed, Actifed Expectorant, Disudrin, Clarinase, Rhinos SR, Triaminic, etc.). Medicines that contain pseudoephedrine can be used to stop a cold liquid (meler) and postnasal drip. Can not be used if there is disease or high blood for children under 6 years of age except on your doctor's prescription.
Although coughing can be symptoms that disrupt, but the cough is the way our body to heal itself. Some experts recently did not recommend the use of cough in some situations. You should consult with your doctor before trying the sold-free cough that contain dextromethorphan (Lovely Vicky 44, etc.).
Do not expect or ask the doctor to meresepkan antibiotics for viral infections such as colds or influenza. Antibiotics do not work against the virus. Antibiotics also does not accelerate the healing of cough caused by allergy.
If you contact your doctor
Immediately to the emergency department if:
- Nafas short or difficult breathing
- The swelling in the face and throat with difficulty swallowing
Coming soon to your doctor if:
- vulnerable great that arise unexpectedly.
- vulnerable accompanied by the sound of ringing high at the time of inhalation.
- vulnerable bleeding.
- fever (which can indicate the existence of a bacterial infection that requires antibiotics). sputum is thick, smelly, bewarna sulfur (acceptance of a bacterial infection).
- exposed to a TB sufferer.
- The decrease in body weight that is not expected or night sweat (that the infected TB).
- more vulnerable from 10 to 14 days.
- vulnerable to the baby aged less than 3 months.
What will you do doctor?
In an emergency patients will be treated first to stabilize the condition. After a stable condition, the doctor will ask you things about your cough. Questions may be asked by your doctor:
- Is the bloody cough (how many, how often, how long have been).
- Do berdahak cough? How dahaknya, whether thick and difficult dibatukkan?
- Do batuknya serious? Is batuknya dry?
- Do batuknya sound like barking?
- How pattern cough? What is the sudden emergence? Are the more severe end-added end of this? Whether hoop worsened in the night? Whether hoop began to rise during the morning?
- It is how long cough?
- Is the cough worsened if lie on one side?
- Does the periodic coughing accompanied by vomiting?
- Symptoms that accompany other cough? Is there shortness of breath, fever?
Then your doctor will perform physical examination, including checking the ear, nose, throat and your chest.
Maybe your doctor will ask for additional checks, such as:
- Photo chest X-rays.
- Analysis of sputum (if berdahak cough).
- Test function of lungs
- Scan lungs
- Bronkoskopi.
- Do not smoke and do not close near-smoker.
- If you have a seasonal allergy earned in the room stays in the air during the allergens are many more. If possible, close windows and use the AC. Avoid fan interest that the air from the outdoors. And even after the change of clothes outside the room.
- If you have an allergy throughout the year, do not use kapok mattress and pillow, use cleaner air (water purifier) and do not foster pets, and avoid other fuse.
Bird Flu alert
Bird flu is a contagious disease caused by influenza virus that is transmitted by birds that can attack humans. Another name from this disease, among other avian influenza.
- Suspect case
- last week visited the livestock are contagious bird flu klb
- contact with confirmed cases of bird flu in the transmission
- work in a laboratory to process specimens are human or animals suspected of suffering from bird flu
Case "probale" is a suspect case with one of the state;
- limited laboratory evidence that led to the influenza virus A (H5N1), for example: Test HI using the H5N1 antigen
- in a short time continues to be pneumonialgagal respiratory / dies
- there is no proven cause of the other
Kompermasi cases or suspect cases is "probale" supported by one of the results of laboratory examination;
- Culture influenza virus H5N1 positive
- PCR influenza (H5) positive
- Increased titer antibody H5 4 times
In the feces of birds and sick body can survive longer, but died in the warming 60 ° C for 30 minutes.
Known influenza virus of some type, namely; type A, type B and type C. Inluenza virus type A strain of some, namely; H1N 1, H3N2, H5N1, H7N7, H9N2 and others.
Currently, bird flu is the cause of the Highly Pothogenic Avian Influenza Viru, the H5N1 strain (H = hemagglutinin; N = neuraminidase). This is evident from the germ study shows that there are sick to influenza A virus (H5N1) with the large number of defecation. Inluenza A virus (H5N1) is the cause of the outbreak of bird flu in poultry. In general, the virus does not attack humans, but some can experience a certain type of mutation more vicious and attacked people.
E. TIME incubation
Influenza virus incubation period varies between 1 to 7 days.
F. RESOURCES AND Mode of transmission
Transmission of the bird Flu (H5N1) in poultry occurred rapidly with high mortality. The spread of this disease occurred among poultry populations pertenakan one, can even be spread from one pertenakan livestock to other areas. While the transmission of this disease to humans through the air can be contaminated virus, which originated from poultry feces or sekreta the Bird Flu. The people who have the most to the risk of bird flu (H5N1) is a poultry farm workers, vendors and penjamah poultry.
Another thing, there is no evidence of transmission occurs from human to human. Besides, there is not evidence of transmission in humans through the consumption of poultry meat.
G. Prevention efforts
Prevention efforts conducted by avoiding material that contaminated feces and sekret poultry, with the action as follows:
- Everyone associated with the material that comes from the channel digested poultry must use the masks (masks, goggles pool)
- Material that comes from the channel digested poultry feces as well be ditatalaksana (planted / burned) not to become a source of infection for people around.
- Tools that are used in livestock must be washed with disinfectant
- Enclosure and feces can not be removed from the location of livestock
- Eat chicken that has been cooked at temperatures 80 ° C for 1 minute, while poultry eggs need to be heated at a temperature 64 ° C for 5 minutes.
- Implement environmental hygiene.
- Conducting hygiene.
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