Dismenore is the pain that comes from the stomach cramps and uterus during menstruation occurs. Dismenore called primary if not found the cause of mendasarinya and dismenore secondary if the cause is the aberration content.

Dismenore secondary and found more rarely occurs in 25% of women who experienced dismenore. Causes of secondary dismenore are: endometriosis, fibroid, adenomiosis, inflammation falopii tuba, perlengketan rocker between organs in the abdomen, and the use of IUD.

Risk factors
Dismenore primary usually arise in adolescence, which is about 2-3 years after the first menstruation. Meanwhile, the secondary often dismenore nascent at the age of 20 years. Other factors that can aggravate dismenore is:
a-womb to the back (retroversi)
-less exercise
stress-psychological or social stress.

Symptoms and Alerts
Pain in the lower abdomen, which can creep into the bottom of the spine and leg. Pain is felt cramps as a missing-relief or as a dull pain that continue to exist.

Usually when the pain began to arise before or during menstruation, reached its peak in 24 hours and after 2 days will disappear. Dismenore also often accompanied by headache, nausea, constipation or diarrhea and often berkemih. Sometimes vomiting to occur.
