Stroke iskemik namely stepped up blood vessel that caused the flow of blood to the brain in part or whole to stop. 80% of stroke is a stroke Iskemik. Stroke iskemik is divided into 3 types, namely:

  1. Stroke Trombotik: the process of making terbentuknya thrombus conglomeration.
  2. Stroke Embolik: stepped up vessel by arterial blood clot.
  3. Hipoperfusion systemic: the reduced flow of blood through the body, because of interference heartbeat.

Stroke hemoragik stroke is caused by the outbreak brain blood vessel. Almost 70% of cases of stroke occurred on patients hemoragik hypertension.

Stroke hemoragik have type 2, namely:
  1. Hemoragik Intraserebral: bleeding that occurs in the brain network.
  2. Hemoragik Subaraknoid: bleeding occurred in the space subaraknoid (narrow space between the surface layer of the brain and a network that covers the brain)
