For many women, breast cancer diagnosis is not only the physical but also the expression of emotion, which then can affect hubugannya with other people. Relationships with friends, husbands, children, family, all can terimbas.

"According to pendapatku, cancer have a more severe impact on the emotional and relationship education, emotional weight than any other disease," said Katherine Puckett, LCSW, national director of the Mind-Body Medicine, the Center for Cancer Medicine in Chicago, United States.

Next Puckett added that the uncertainties of the disease itself is intensifying the impact. "Excessive knowledge about breast cancer will further increase emosionalitaspenderita related to the relationship with other people This is an emergency increase and change everything in their lives," said Puckett.

But the change itself should not be negative. For some women, breast cancer can be triggered to change the relationship first becomes normal ties more closely and depth, creating a husband and wife become increasingly close, so family members make each other close ties with the increasingly strong.

For other women the impact can be negative. Make it feel lonely and isolated, feel that the people near the place he feels far more lean.

This role in how breast cancer is the emotional impact on the willingness to share feelings with other people, a matter which is not always easy for a woman who mederita breast cancer.

Women have a role as a nursery nurse and others. Aoleh it is very heavy to release the nose and then changed into the people who need to be served or observed. For many women, to change themselves into people who need treatment and care for others, is very heavy because he does not want to actually considered to be weak and not able to manage themselves.

Breast cancer patients need to realize that the willingness to share feelings and ask for help is actually a force that can strengthen the relationship with other people. Said Mauricio Murillo, MD, a psychiatrist and director of Supportive Oncology Service at the University of New York ..