Bird flu is a contagious disease caused by influenza virus that is transmitted by birds that can attack humans. Another name from this disease, among other avian influenza.


  1. Suspect case
Suspect case is someone who is suffering with symptoms of fever ISPA (temp> 38 ° C), and cough or sore throat and nasal mucus or learner-and with one condition;
  • last week visited the livestock are contagious bird flu klb
  • contact with confirmed cases of bird flu in the transmission
  • work in a laboratory to process specimens are human or animals suspected of suffering from bird flu
2. Case "Probable"

Case "probale" is a suspect case with one of the state;
  • limited laboratory evidence that led to the influenza virus A (H5N1), for example: Test HI using the H5N1 antigen
  • in a short time continues to be pneumonialgagal respiratory / dies
  • there is no proven cause of the other
3. Case Kompermasi

Kompermasi cases or suspect cases is "probale" supported by one of the results of laboratory examination;
  • Culture influenza virus H5N1 positive
  • PCR influenza (H5) positive
  • Increased titer antibody H5 4 times

Found that clinical symptoms such as flu-like symptoms in general, namely; fever, sore throat. coughing, snot-ber, muscle pains, headaches, weakness. In the short time the disease can become more severe form of inflammation in the lungs (pneumonia), and if not done properly implementation can cause death.


Etiology of this disease is influenza virus. The nature of this virus, namely; can survive in water up to 4 days at 22 ° C and more than 30 days at 0 ° C.

In the feces of birds and sick body can survive longer, but died in the warming 60 ° C for 30 minutes.

Known influenza virus of some type, namely; type A, type B and type C. Inluenza virus type A strain of some, namely; H1N 1, H3N2, H5N1, H7N7, H9N2 and others.

Currently, bird flu is the cause of the Highly Pothogenic Avian Influenza Viru, the H5N1 strain (H = hemagglutinin; N = neuraminidase). This is evident from the germ study shows that there are sick to influenza A virus (H5N1) with the large number of defecation. Inluenza A virus (H5N1) is the cause of the outbreak of bird flu in poultry. In general, the virus does not attack humans, but some can experience a certain type of mutation more vicious and attacked people.

E. TIME incubation

Influenza virus incubation period varies between 1 to 7 days.

F. RESOURCES AND Mode of transmission

Transmission of the bird Flu (H5N1) in poultry occurred rapidly with high mortality. The spread of this disease occurred among poultry populations pertenakan one, can even be spread from one pertenakan livestock to other areas. While the transmission of this disease to humans through the air can be contaminated virus, which originated from poultry feces or sekreta the Bird Flu. The people who have the most to the risk of bird flu (H5N1) is a poultry farm workers, vendors and penjamah poultry.

Another thing, there is no evidence of transmission occurs from human to human. Besides, there is not evidence of transmission in humans through the consumption of poultry meat.

G. Prevention efforts

Prevention efforts conducted by avoiding material that contaminated feces and sekret poultry, with the action as follows:

  • Everyone associated with the material that comes from the channel digested poultry must use the masks (masks, goggles pool)
  • Material that comes from the channel digested poultry feces as well be ditatalaksana (planted / burned) not to become a source of infection for people around.
  • Tools that are used in livestock must be washed with disinfectant
  • Enclosure and feces can not be removed from the location of livestock
  • Eat chicken that has been cooked at temperatures 80 ° C for 1 minute, while poultry eggs need to be heated at a temperature 64 ° C for 5 minutes.
  • Implement environmental hygiene.
  • Conducting hygiene.